

稍微咬文嚼字一下,原文是“had probably ceased to be spoken”,在线牛津词典里对cease的解释是come or bring to an end。所以也看不出是“主动停止”还是“被动停止”。但其实这种说法和托老本人对辛达和西尔凡融合的记述有矛盾,或许是托老本人不同阶段的想法也是有变化的。


Appendix A

The Silvan Elves And Their Speech

According toThe Silmarillion (p. 94) some of the Nandor, the Telerin Elves who abandonedthe march of the Eldar on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains, "dweltage-long in the woods of the Vale of the Great River" (while others, it issaid, went down Anduin to its mouths, and yet others entered Eriador: fromthese last came the Green-elves of Ossiriand). 

In a lateetymological discussion of the names of Galadriel, Celeborn, and Lórien theSilvan Elves of Mirkwood and Lórien are specifically declared to be descendedfrom the Telerin Elves who remained in the Vale of Anduin: 

The SilvanElves (Tawarwaith) were in origin Teleri, and so remoter kin of the Sindar,though even longer separated from them than the Teleri of Valinor. They weredescended from those of the Teleri who, on the Great Journey, were daunted bythe Misty Mountains and lingered in the Vale of Anduin, and so never reachedBeleriand or the Sea. They were thus closer akin to the Nandor (otherwisecalled the Green-elves) of Ossiriand, who eventually crossed the mountains andcame at last into Beleriand. 

The SilvanElves hid themselves in woodland fastnesses beyond the Misty Mountains, andbecame small and scattered people, hardly to be distinguished from Avari; 

but theystill remembered that they were in origin Eldar, members of the Third Clan, andthey welcomed those of the Noldor and especially the Sindar who did not passover the Sea but migrated eastward [i.e. at the beginning of the Second Age].Under the leadership of these they became again ordered folk and increased inwisdom. Thranduil father of Legolas of the Nine Walkers was Sindarin, and thattongue was used in his house, though not by all his folk. 

In Lórien,where many of tile people were Sindar in origin, or Noldor, survivors fromEregion [see p. 255], Sindarin had become the language of all the people. Inwhat way their Sindarin differed from the forms of Beleriand - see TheFellowship of the Ring II 6, where Frodo reports that the speech of the Silvanfolk that they used among themselves was unlike that of the West - is now ofcourse not known. It probably differed in little more than what would nowpopularly called "accent": mainly differences of vowel-sounds andintonation sufficient to mislead one who, as Frodo, was not well acquaintedwith purer Sindarin. There may of course also have been some local words andother features ultimately due to the influence of the former Silvan tongue.Lórien had long been much isolated from the outside world. Certainly some namespreserved from its past, such as Amroth and Nimrodel, cannot be fully explainedfrom Sindarin, though fitting it in form. Caras seems to be an old word for amoated fortress, not found in Sindarin. Lórien is probably an alteration of anolder name now lost [though earlier the original Silvan or Nandorin name wasstated to be Lórinand, see p.265, note 5]. 

With theseremarks on Silvan names compare Appendix F (I) to The Lord of the Rings section"Of the Elves," footnote (appearing only in revised edition). 

Another generalstatement concerning Silvan Elvish is found in a linguistic-historicaldiscussion dating from the same late period as that just cited: 

Although thedialects of the Silvan Elves, when they again met their long separated kindred,had so far diverged from Sindarin as to be hardly intelligible, little studywas needed to reveal their kinship as Eldarin tongues. Though the comparison ofthe Silvan dialects with their own speech greatly interested the loremasters,especially those of Noldorin origin, little is now known of the Silvan Elvish.The Silvan Elves had invented no forms of writing, and those who learned thisart from the Sindar wrote in Sindarin as well as they could. By the end of theThird Age the Silvan tongues had probably ceased to be spoken in the tworegions that had importance at the time of the War of the Ring: Lórien and therealm of Thranduil in northern Mirkwood. All that survived of them in therecords was a few words and several names of persons and places. 

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